2579.34 miles in 602 days for 4.2846 miles per day

There was a day when I realized I was spending too much time at a desk, in a car, or in a cozy chair talking with friends. Sure I walked and hiked, but consistently? Not enough.

So I called for help.

My personal trainer, a 90 pound rough-coated collie

He said he could lose a few pounds too. He only took off 4. He took 13 off me.

He said I was a rough case. He needed a colleague. That’s the strong-willed one on the right.

The chill rain and the fact that we’re heading into another long Alaska winter makes walking a bit harder to get into these days but these two make it easier.

I’ll also admit that recently warm cookies, cozy evenings and dinners with warm-hearted friends put 4 pounds back on. They’ve already shaved 2 back off.

If you’ve been hanging out too much much indoors or at your desk, I have only two words for you, “gym shoes.” And if you feel they’re telepathing “leash, now” at you, you’re gifted with the ability to read eyes.

p.s. An update: It’s November 20th, and the temp has be in the single digits for days, and -10 last night, but the pups have carved those 4 pounds off in the last two and a half weeks.

3 thoughts on “2579.34 miles in 602 days for 4.2846 miles per day

  1. They say “if your dog is putting on some weight…you’re not getting enough exercise!” That’s what they say.
    I believe ‘they’ are right.

  2. what a comforting way to take off some pounds! Your furry physical trainer compatriots have a good perspective, and they don’t five up easily!

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